Well it’s not that just our expression play a pivotal role
in our work-life but also in our personal life as well. People fall in love and
get married (they can live in also but then again it’s not so socially viable)
everyday and I think that half of the people vehemently don’t say “I Love you”
to each other before falling in love as opposed by the popular belief. They can
sense it long before they fall in love from each others expression &
behavior. Girls are too good in dropping the necessary hints and all the guys
have to do is just pick them up accordingly but yes there are some guys also
who are too dumb to realize the basic. You don’t have to be a Casanova to pick
up any girl in any day but the thing is that you just have to do right things
at right time. You know we men always want to see & women always want to
hear so most of the men lie & women put their make up on.
Well It’s goes without saying that expression comes a long
way with the time and the latest Technology made our life much more expression
savvy as you got the power to express your view in numerous Social networking
Sites from Face book to Twitter. Sometime an expressive “Smiley” on your mobile
can break the ice faster than anything. Some expression over Twitter can start
a National debate (We do miss Mr. Tharoor over Twitter) and some expression on
Face book can lit a thousand watt on your eyes and those moments in our life
goes a big way buddy.Yah ! Just go up to the unfathomable distance.
Very interesting topic Soumya! Here's my 'salt-n-pepper' on your 'dish'!
ReplyDeleteWhen we talk of "expressions" I cant hold myself talking, rather about "the lack of it"!
Have you ever noticed how less expressive are we,specially when it comes to show our love for close ones such as parents, brothers, sisters, very close friends, even supportive colleagues.. in a word with whom we are "less formal with". e.g. till the time one's g/f or b/f gives him/her the final nod one would be very expressive of the love and care for one's partner.. the chemistry changes once the verdict is given(I guess my lovely wife is not reading what's coming next! :o] ), still worse after getting married.. :p
We tend to take our "real-fellows" for granted and tend to be less generous at "expressing" our fondness for them, while the fact remains, we do care for them!
How many times in last our life did we thank our dad for taking care of us, our education, whims and fancies.. how many fingers would we need to count how many times we thanked our mom for making breakfast ready or say doing our laundry, or say sharing the bigger pie of the cake!
The answer could be anything between "oh holly shit did I ever!!!" to "mmm ah ah o yah! a few times I guess..", but I'm sure it won't be as frequent as it would be, let's say, for the one who is waiting your table at a posh restaurant or let's say for your office secretory, or your boss for that matter(um hmm he/she is damn important, man!). I'm not really pointing fingers, but sharing a thought.
Let's be more expressive, more meaningful when we say "thank you" to anybody and everybody who has touched our life in a positive way, however little. Let's be more expressive and more passionate when we say those three magic words to our dear ones, and let's say it more frequently.
Lastly, let's be sure and pure in our expressions, and if you don't really get what I mean, look at the babies.. they cant pretend!
Love 'n peace!