Jan 17, 2010

Kaleidoscopic Kolkata

Very often, you'll discover me standing all alone near a "still under construction" building beside my office. After passing out from JU in Construction Engineering I am yet to discover the process of making a house and they say it takes a lifetime to construct your own house. I love to be casual even in over stressed situation because I am very casual person who never take things seriously. I love to screw things up & do things at the eleventh hours as it gives a crazy rush to my Adrenalin. I used to take oath everyday that I will give up smoking and end up smoking more numbers of cigarettes in that very day also. I like to break the rules to diminish the inevitable pattern of life and perhaps.. I succeeded. I love to scribble meaningless poetry in the last page of my notebook. I love to take a walk even when it rains cats & dogs. I can even ditch my office on weekend to have a bottle of Beer with my friends. I love my city Kolkata so much for its Culture, Heritage, Street Foods, Bandhs, Meetings, Processions, Slums, Water logged roads and Of course for its Unique Adda. I hate those people who Show off and behave as if they know everything & hate being get anlyzed by a person who don't know anything about real me.You might call me a dreamer but you know what I love to live my own dreams. Life, to me, is like a hot steaming cup coffee........ You sit by the window on a rain-swept evening and take a careless sip...... only to realize that someone has forgotten to add the sugar........... Too lazy to go for it ,you some how manage to drink the sugarless coffee till u discover sugar crystals lying at the bottom. THAT'S LIFE.........ADDED....BUT NOT STIRRED.....!