Some days ago one of my friends called me up and told me that of late I am writing some blogs full of worries and some boring stuffs. Not Denied. I personally use to hate these types of blogs which make me more pessimistic about life. Here comes something which is more or less like me and I am back with a bang in the advent of New Year with some fresh lease of life. Imbibe or ignore that’s up to you guys.

Well coming to IIFT, it has been a hectic first two week at IIFT. After a gap of almost four and half years I am again there in the pile of books, getting accustomed to the size and weight of them. We also getting accustomed with the interpretation of some hi-fi words like strategic advantage, GDP, Debenture, P.E. Ratio which I used to see in the newspaper only. Classes and more classes followed one after another leaving me thinking about my decision to join IIFT. It also made me think of the risk of becoming the last one of the class although if you know me then you know that I don’t mind being last boy (I didn’t mind being last boy at JU) but for some unknown reason I don’t want to be the last one at IIFT and I really mean that. The only problem we are having that to listen our lectures at post lunch session at it’s become very difficult to open our eyes after lunch and obviously the courtesy goes to IIFT as they have arranged some wonderful food. Sometime in the middle of those lecture I find that old Soumya who is sometime taking frantic notes, sometime listening to Prof, sometime also questioning the Prof and sometime thinking about someone. It’s a whole new experience for me and you bet I am enjoying every bit of it.
Time would be the main constraint if I think from today. Things won’t be the same again here onwards. I used to be regular blogger and no it’s not that I used to write very frequent but at least thrice in a week I used to read the other updates from those whose blogs I am following and used to think how they write such a good English on a good subject in their blogs but MBA at IIFT certainly is going to take a toll on me as I would have less time to be in Blogging and other Networking Sites and forget to inform you guys that already they have given me enough assignments and presentations to ponder over my decision in taking admission at IIFT. Moreover one Prof has going ahead of all as he is sending us the reminder mail at regular interval regarding the deadline of submitting Assignments that he had given.
Oh! Did I mention that I almost fall in love with Economics? The Prof is really amazing with some insane knowledge on most underrated subject I ever came across.